Man From Sol Debuts New Ambient Glitch EP

The San Diego-based aural astronaut Man From Sol has been hard at work defining the next phase of his musical project, reaching toward the depths of his bag of audio hat tricks. The result is a cornucopia of digital syncopation and stuttered artifacts via the Automorph Totality EP.

Man From Sol has consistently delivered a circuit-bend-inspiried array of textures and spectrum-folding motifs, and his focus on interpolation and granular resampling reaches new heights in Automoprh Totality. It's ambient only in compositional nature, but is otherwise a full serving of spectral waveforms and stabs of mottled synthesis. Whereas the glitch in more contemporaneous electronic music serves a primarily rhythmic function, here it serves to paint mechanical hues across the frequency band, jostling and crashing against reverbent sound platters and cascading percussive runs. It's a top-tier forray into atypical songwriting and freeform rhythms, demonstrating this producer’s natural inclination for all things niche and novel in music.

Man From Sol's laser-edged focus on derivative, molten soundscapes and crystalized fidelity cannot be understated, and it’s made all the more accessible by his focus on the platform; operated in collaboration with a number of other like-minded creatives, functions as an educational and promotional platform for musicians and producers to access, understand, and participate in the creation and the exposition of any format of glitch music. While we patiently await the next spate of Man From Sol tunes, we encourage you to take a few minutes to browse the website and get familiar with a host of similar projects.

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